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  • Writer's pictureChristine Hudson

Banana and Carrot Muffins

Cooking time: 50 minutes

Serving size: Makes 12 muffins or 1 loaf

Oven temperature: 180°C (fan)



  • 200g caster sugar

  • 175ml neutral oil (sunflower/rapeseed oil)

  • 3 eggs

  • 200g plain flour

  • 2 tsp (10ml) baking powder

  • 2 tsp (10ml) cinnamon

  • 1 tsp (5ml) bicarbonate of soda

  • 125g smashed bananas

  • 125g finely grated carrots

  • 50g chopped nuts (optional)


1.) Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan)

2.) Grease a 2 pound loaf tin or muffin baking tin.

3.) Beat the eggs, sugar and oil together until well combined and slightly lighter in colour.

4.) Sift the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and cinnamon together and fold the dry ingredients into the egg mixture with a spatula using 'j'-like motions to combine the ingredients. ('j'-like motion would be taking your spoon/spatula down the middle of the bowl and then folding the ingredients from the outside of the bowl back into the middle of the bowl in a shape that resembles a 'j'. Continue to turn the bowl as you do this so that all of the ingredients are well incorporated.)

5.) Add the carrots, banana and nuts to the mixture, combining with the same 'j'-like motion.

6.) Transfer the mixture to the loaf tin or muffin baking tin. If using a muffin tin, they should be 2/3 filled.

7.) Bake for 35 minutes in a loaf tin or 25 minutes in a muffin tray. A wooden skewer inserted into the middle of the loaf/muffin should come out clean when removed (i.e. no batter should be on the skewer).

8.) Let the loaf cool in the tin for 10 minutes before removing and slicing.

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2 commentaires

08 mars 2021

Awesome recipe Christine. Had these over the weekend and they were so delicious I forgot to take a photo. Will be doing this again...Scrumptuous!


20 févr. 2021

Another great recipe Christine - thank you. I made this in a loaf tin and the cake was first class!


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